1. Scaling Regional Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide with Mesoscale Observation Networks: Impact of Land Cover, Management and Disturbance Open Access Author: Desai, Ankur Rashmikant Title: Scaling Regional Land-Atmosphere Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide with Mesoscale Observation Networks: Impact of Land Cover, Management and Disturbance Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: eddy covarianceland-atmosphere trace gas exchangeregional carbon dioxide fluxbottom-up scalingdynamic vegetation ecosystem modeling File: Download adesai-meteo-dissertation-052006.pdf Committee Members: Kenneth James Davis, Committee Chair/Co-ChairToby Nahum Carlson, Committee MemberRaymond Gabriel Najjar Jr., Committee MemberJohn Corry Wyngaard, Committee MemberBrenton Yarnal, Committee Member