1. THE EFFECTS OF TRINEXAPAC-ETHYL AND CULTIVATION ON THE DIVOT RESISTANCE OF KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS CULTIVARS Open Access Author: Serensits, Thomas Title: THE EFFECTS OF TRINEXAPAC-ETHYL AND CULTIVATION ON THE DIVOT RESISTANCE OF KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS CULTIVARS Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: trinexapac-ethyldivotKentucky bluegrassathletic field File: Download Serensits_thesis_final.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Scott Mc Nitt, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Effects of pre-harvest cultural practices on the divot resistance of thick-cut Kentucky bluegrass sod Open Access Author: Mascitti, Evan Christopher Title: Effects of pre-harvest cultural practices on the divot resistance of thick-cut Kentucky bluegrass sod Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: Kentucky bluegrasssoddivotnitrogenturfgrasstopdressingcutting heightfootball File: Download Mascitti_thesis_2015-04-01.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Scott Mc Nitt, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor