1. Learning Preferences of a Diverse Group of Community College Students: A Qualitative Study Open Access Author: Kern, Sandra B. Title: Learning Preferences of a Diverse Group of Community College Students: A Qualitative Study Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: adult studentscommunity collegelearning preferencesdiverse File: Download SBKern.pdf Committee Members: Denise Gaspari Meister, Committee MemberEdward W Taylor, Committee MemberElizabeth Jean Tisdell, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRachel A Grant, Committee Member
2. A STRATEGY OF POWER RELATIONS FOR RACIALLY DIVERSE PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONERS Open Access Author: Flores, Juan Carlos Title: A STRATEGY OF POWER RELATIONS FOR RACIALLY DIVERSE PUBLIC RELATIONS PRACTITIONERS Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: diversediversitybusinesspublic relationsorganizationorganizational power dynamicspower dynamicspowerpower relationsmentorsraceminority groupsdominant groups File: Download Flores__Juan_-_Master_s_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Denise Bortree, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichel Haigh, Committee MemberMatt McAlister, Committee Member