1. TEACHING, TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF TEACHING IN A DIGITAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Open Access Author: Penny, Christian Vincent Title: TEACHING, TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE: THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF TEACHING IN A DIGITAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: digitallived experienceteachersphenomenology File: Download PennyDissertation.pdf Committee Members: Iris M Striedieck, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn Daniel Marshall, Committee MemberJames F Nolan Jr., Committee MemberDebra M Feedman, Committee MemberKyle Leonard Peck, Committee Member
2. A comparative study of the U.S. and Korean film industries: history, structure, and finance Open Access Author: Baxter, Patrick David Title: A comparative study of the U.S. and Korean film industries: history, structure, and finance Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: historyfilm historyeconomicsfinancestructureartsculturepolitical economyindustrial organizationSouth KoreaKorean film industryKoreaHollywoodmoviesmoviefilmsfilm indutrystudiostudiosdistributionfundingindependent filmindependentfilm companydigitalmulti mediamedialong tail File: Download PBaxter_Thesis_Final110308.pdf Committee Members: Krishna Prasad Jayakar, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Convergence Rhetorics: Negotiating Digital and Offline Identities Open Access Author: Johnson, Jeremy David Title: Convergence Rhetorics: Negotiating Digital and Offline Identities Graduate Program: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: rhetoriccommunicationdigitalonlineidentityvideo gamespoliticsrealitypublicsprivateprivacyrhizome File: Download Thesis_-_Jeremy_David_Johnson_-_Convergence_Rhetorics_-_Final.pdf Committee Members: Rosa A Eberly, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor