1. Assessing Selected Predictors of Performance in Developmental Mathematics Open Access Author: Shalyefu, Rakel-Kavena Title: Assessing Selected Predictors of Performance in Developmental Mathematics Graduate Program: Instructional Systems Keywords: developmental mathematicsmathematics performanceremedial mathematicscommunity collegesuccess in mathdropouts in mathpredictors of math performance File: Download Kavenafinalthesis.pdf Committee Members: Barbara L Grabowski, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn David Popp, Committee Chair/Co-ChairEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee MemberPui Wa Lei, Committee MemberFrancis M Dwyer Jr., Committee Member
2. Flipping the developmental mathematics classroom: An action research study Open Access Author: Diehl, Tara Elizabeth Title: Flipping the developmental mathematics classroom: An action research study Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: flipped classroomdevelopmental mathematicsinverted classroomaction research File: Download Dissertation_T_Diehl.pdf Committee Members: Edward W Taylor, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobin Redmon Wright, Committee MemberJane Wilburne, Committee MemberSeth Wolpert, Committee Member