1. DEEP SUBMICRON (DSM) DESIGN AUTOMATION TECHNIQUES TO MITIGATE PROCESS VARIATIONS Open Access Author: Wang, Feng Title: DEEP SUBMICRON (DSM) DESIGN AUTOMATION TECHNIQUES TO MITIGATE PROCESS VARIATIONS Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: high level synthesisdesign automationprocess variations File: Download FWthesis.pdf Committee Members: Yuan Xie, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Jane Irwin, Committee MemberVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee MemberZhiwen Liu, Committee Member
2. Temperature-Aware Computing Open Access Author: Link, Greg Title: Temperature-Aware Computing Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: design automationarchitecturethermalTemperaturehotspothot spot File: Download Link-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Jane Irwin, Committee MemberChitaranjan Das, Committee MemberKenneth Jenkins, Committee Member
3. Shape Grammar Composition and Salient Feature Identification for a Product Family Open Access Author: Culbertson, Timothy David Title: Shape Grammar Composition and Salient Feature Identification for a Product Family Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: product familystylesimilarityshapeaestheticsfeature identificationfreeform surfaceengineering designindustrial designdesign automation File: Download Culbertson_MSIE_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Timothy William Simpson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Towards computationally efficient reinforcement learning frameworks for the design of cyber-physical systems Open Access Author: Agrawal, Akash Title: Towards computationally efficient reinforcement learning frameworks for the design of cyber-physical systems Graduate Program: Engineering Design Keywords: computational efficiencyengineering designreinforcement learningdesign automationcyber-physical systems File: Download Thesis_Akash_Agrawal_7_8_2021.pdf Committee Members: Scarlett Miller, Program Head/ChairChris Mc Comb, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMatthew B Parkinson, Committee Member