1. ALTERED WATER CHEMISTRY AND BROOK TROUT POPULATIONS IN TWO NORTHERN APPALACHIAN PLATEAU STREAMS BETWEEN 1988-90 AND 2005-07: EPISODIC ACIDIFICATION CONTINUED Open Access Author: Jones, David Wayne Title: ALTERED WATER CHEMISTRY AND BROOK TROUT POPULATIONS IN TWO NORTHERN APPALACHIAN PLATEAU STREAMS BETWEEN 1988-90 AND 2005-07: EPISODIC ACIDIFICATION CONTINUED Graduate Program: Environmental Pollution Control Keywords: water qualitytroutsulfatesculpinStone runrecoverymonitoringERPfishepisodicemissionsdepositionchemistrydamBenner RunbrookbeaveraquaticAppalachian Plateaualuminumacidic episodeacidifcationstream File: Download MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_Appendix_E_Benner_Regressions_2010-11-22a.pdfDownload MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_Appendix_D_Stone_N_60_2010-11-23.pdfDownload MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_2010-12-07a.pdfDownload MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_Appendix_A_Field_Chemistry_N_137_2010-11-23.pdfDownload MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_Appendix_C_Benner_N_50_2010-11-23.pdfDownload MS_EPC_Thesis_Jones_Appendix_F_Stone_Regressions_2010-11-22a.pdf Committee Members: David Russell Dewalle, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam Edward Sharpe, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Characterization of Vapor Deposited Thin Films of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Open Access Author: Gresh, Robert William Title: Characterization of Vapor Deposited Thin Films of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Graduate Program: Engineering Science Keywords: corrosionmagnesiumthin filmfilmdepositionelectrochemicalstructuremorphology File: Download Gresh_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Barbara Shaw, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Water Quality of Three Forest Streams in Pennsylvania Impacted by Acidic Atmospheric Deposition Open Access Author: Reed, Brendan Christopher Title: Water Quality of Three Forest Streams in Pennsylvania Impacted by Acidic Atmospheric Deposition Graduate Program: Forest Resources Keywords: acid depositionwater qualityforest streamdepositionacidclean air actrecoveryatmospheric deposition File: Download BCR_thesis_final.pdf Committee Members: Elizabeth Weeks Boyer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Dust Feed and Weave Topology Effects in Gas Turbine Cooling Open Access Author: Cory, Trevor Title: Dust Feed and Weave Topology Effects in Gas Turbine Cooling Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: gas turbinedepositionceramic matrix compositeinternal flowheat transferweave surfacedust feedeffusion flow File: Download Cory_Thesis_Dec_2020.pdf Committee Members: Karen Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStephen P Lynch, Committee MemberDaniel Connell Haworth, Program Head/Chair