1. Exploring support for the extracurriculum in a time of fiscal constraint and standards-based reform: A case study of one Pennsylvania school district Open Access Author: Murphy, Mark Patrick Title: Exploring support for the extracurriculum in a time of fiscal constraint and standards-based reform: A case study of one Pennsylvania school district Graduate Program: Educational Leadership Keywords: U.S. public schoolsextracurriculumextracurricular programsfinancial crisiseconomic recessionstandards-based reformdecision-making processco-curricularcase studyPennsylvania school district File: Download Final_ETD_Murphy_3.19.12.pdf Committee Members: Preston Green, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPreston Green, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJacqueline A Stefkovich, Committee MemberRoger C Shouse, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member
2. A qualitative study on Chinese tourists in Grand Teton National Park Open Access Author: Li, Rui Title: A qualitative study on Chinese tourists in Grand Teton National Park Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: Chinese touristsGrand Teton National Parkdecision-making processexpectationexperiencesatisfactionfuture revisiting intentionscultures File: Download Rui_Li_Thesis_A_qualitative_study_on_Chinese_tourists_in_Grand_Teton_National_Park.pdf Committee Members: Bing Pan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAlan R Graefe, Committee MemberB. Derrick Taff, Committee Member