1. A Content Analysis of Virtual Science Labs in Cyber Charter Schools Open Access Author: Raish, Victoria Rose Title: A Content Analysis of Virtual Science Labs in Cyber Charter Schools Graduate Program: Learning, Design, and Technology Keywords: Virtual science labsonline educationcyber charter schoolsconstructivismnext generation science standardsscience practicescrosscutting conceptssimulations File: Download victoriaraishdissertation.pdf Committee Members: Alison Alene Carr Chellman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. NAVIGATING THE WEB OF CHOICE: SCHOOL DISTRICT ENROLLMENTS AND RESPONSES TO CYBER CHARTER SCHOOLS Open Access Author: Mann, Bryan Arthur Title: NAVIGATING THE WEB OF CHOICE: SCHOOL DISTRICT ENROLLMENTS AND RESPONSES TO CYBER CHARTER SCHOOLS Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: education policyschool choicecharter schoolscyber charter schoolsK-12 online learning File: Download mann_dissertation_final_upload__1_.pdf Committee Members: David Baker, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Baker, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid Gamson, Committee MemberEd Fuller, Committee MemberKyle Peck, Outside Member