1. EVALUATING AGRICULTURAL LAND USE PATTERNS IN RELATION TO FOOD SYSTEMS, BIOENERGY, AND CARBON MITIGATION Open Access Author: Davis, Ethan B Title: EVALUATING AGRICULTURAL LAND USE PATTERNS IN RELATION TO FOOD SYSTEMS, BIOENERGY, AND CARBON MITIGATION Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: Biofuelsbioenergytransportation energyfood securitycarbon sequestrationgreenhouse gas emissionsfood demandcropland intensificationpasture intensificationelectric vehiclesindirect land use change File: Download Thesis8417_FinalDraft.pdf Committee Members: Erica Smithwick, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorErica Smithwick, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDave Mortensen, Committee MemberAlan Taylor, Committee MemberTom Richard, Outside Member