1. Identifying the Impact of COVID-19 on Archaeology - A Comparison in Academic and Commercial Field Work Open Access Author: Grossi, Jeffrey Title: Identifying the Impact of COVID-19 on Archaeology - A Comparison in Academic and Commercial Field Work Graduate Program: Anthropology (MA) Keywords: ArchaeologyCOVID-19coronaviruspandemic File: Download Thesis_Grossi_FA21_MA_Anthropology.pdf Committee Members: Tim Ryan, Program Head/ChairKirk Dow French, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMary Katherine Shenk, Committee Member
2. Evaluation of Coronavirus Re-infection and the Transmissibility of Emerging Influenza Viruses Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Field, Cassandra Title: Evaluation of Coronavirus Re-infection and the Transmissibility of Emerging Influenza Viruses Graduate Program: Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Biosciences Keywords: virologyinfluenza viruscoronaviruspandemicrespiratory virusviral transmissionferrethamsteremerging viruses File: Login to Download Committee Members: Melissa Rolls, Program Head/ChairAnthony Schmitt, Major Field MemberMoriah Szpara, Outside Unit & Field MemberGirish Kirimanjeswara, Major Field MemberTroy Sutton, Chair & Dissertation Advisor