1. The Past Hurts: Examining the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Abuse on Adult Psychological, Physiological, and Interpersonal Well-Being Open Access Author: Ruiz, Andrea Liza Title: The Past Hurts: Examining the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Abuse on Adult Psychological, Physiological, and Interpersonal Well-Being Graduate Program: Sociology Keywords: child abuselife-coursehealthwell-beingchildhood traumaresiliencecoping styleinterpersonal relationshipsreligionsocial supportsocial optimism File: Download ALR_DISSERTATION_2018.pdf Committee Members: David R Johnson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid R Johnson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary J Adler Jr., Committee MemberRoger Kent Finke, Committee MemberSandra T Azar, Outside Member