1. VIRTUE OF NANO TEXTURES ON INSECTS SUPERHYDROPHOBIC SURFACES Open Access Author: Wang, Lin Title: VIRTUE OF NANO TEXTURES ON INSECTS SUPERHYDROPHOBIC SURFACES Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: hydrophobicpressure stabilitycontact timedroplet bouncing File: Download Master_Thesis-DYNAMIC_WETTING_ON_SUPERHYDROPHOBIC_SURFACES_WITH_DENSE_NANOSCALE_TEXTURES-Lin_Wang.pdf Committee Members: Tak Sing Wong, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarlo G. Pantano, Committee MemberPak Kin Wong, Committee Member
2. Static and Dynamic Wetting on Bio-inspired Compact Nano-Textured Surfaces Open Access Author: Wang, Lin Title: Static and Dynamic Wetting on Bio-inspired Compact Nano-Textured Surfaces Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: hydrophobic surfacebio-inspiredwater-repellent insectshigh solid fractioncontact timebouncing dropletsreentrant pillarshoodoo pillarspressure stability File: Download PhD_Dissertation-Lin_Wang-Final.pdf Committee Members: Tak Sing Wong, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorTak Sing Wong, Committee Chair/Co-ChairClive A Randall, Committee MemberLong-Qing Chen, Committee MemberPak Kin Wong, Outside MemberJohn C Mauro, Program Head/Chair