1. EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF REDUCTION IN FOULING BY LOW ENERGY SURFACES Open Access Author: Ozden, Hatice Ozlem Title: EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF REDUCTION IN FOULING BY LOW ENERGY SURFACES Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: protein denaturationFoulingcontact angleFLUENTplate heat exchangerbeta lactoglobulinmilk pasteurizationwettability File: Download Hatice_O_Ozden_PhD_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Virendra Puri, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorVirendra Puri, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAli Demirci, Committee MemberJogender Singh, Committee MemberSavas Yavuzkurt, Committee Member
2. Phase Field Modeling and Verification of a Wetting Model for Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces Open Access Author: Calogero, Lauren Michelle Title: Phase Field Modeling and Verification of a Wetting Model for Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: phase fieldwettingroughnesshydrophobichydrophilicsuperhydrophobicWenzelmicrostructureMOOSEcontact angle File: Download Lauren_Calogero_thesis_4-1.pdf Committee Members: Michael Tonks, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Experimental Investigation of Pressure Dependence of Contact Angle Measurement in CO2/Brine Systems Open Access Author: Niu, Fangya Title: Experimental Investigation of Pressure Dependence of Contact Angle Measurement in CO2/Brine Systems Graduate Program: Petroleum and Mineral Engineering Keywords: CO2 storagecontact anglewettabilitypressure dependencemicro-CT imaging File: Download Fangya_Niu_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Zuleima T Karpyn, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRussell Taylor Johns, Committee MemberMeng Wang, Committee MemberMort D Webster, Program Head/Chair