1. Serviceability Analysis for Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs in Multi-Story High-Rise Buildings Open Access Author: Motter, Christopher John Title: Serviceability Analysis for Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs in Multi-Story High-Rise Buildings Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: construction loadingconstruction loadsconstruction loadcrossing-beamreinforced concrete slabfloor slabfloor slabsslab deflectionslab deflectionsslab serviceabilitytwo-way slabslab deflection-time historycrossing beamshoringreshoring File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Scanlon, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAndrew Scanlon, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Role of Early-Age Concrete Properties and Construction Loading on Slab Serviceability Open Access Author: Lee, Je Il Title: Role of Early-Age Concrete Properties and Construction Loading on Slab Serviceability Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: slabconstruction loadearly-agefinite element analysisconcreteexperiment File: Download ThesisMaster.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Scanlon, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAndrea J Schokker, Committee MemberMaria Lopez De Murphy, Committee MemberAli M Memari, Committee MemberPeggy Ann Johnson, Committee Member