1. Concordance between self-reported and physiological measures of emotion during fear imagery in anxiety disorders Open Access Author: Yamasaki, Alissa S. Title: Concordance between self-reported and physiological measures of emotion during fear imagery in anxiety disorders Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: skin conductanceheart ratefearGADemotionconcordanceimageryanxietymemory File: Download format_review_will_be_real_version.pdf Committee Members: William Ray, Committee Chair/Co-ChairThomas D Borkovec, Committee MemberRobert M Stern, Committee MemberJoyce Karen Illfelder Kaye, Committee Member
2. Concordance Between Minoritized Status and Identity Importance: Relationship with Life Satisfaction and Depression Open Access Author: Daas, Roua Title: Concordance Between Minoritized Status and Identity Importance: Relationship with Life Satisfaction and Depression Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: minoritized populationslife satisfactiondepressionconcordancecentrality File: Download Masters_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Jose Angel Soto, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChardée A. Galan, Committee MemberKristin Buss, Program Head/ChairTheresa K Vescio, Committee Member