1. Enhancing Analytical Toolboxes of Pavement Management Systems via Integration of Computational Intelligence Open Access Author: Kargah Ostadi, Nima Title: Enhancing Analytical Toolboxes of Pavement Management Systems via Integration of Computational Intelligence Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: pavement managementbackcalculationperformance modelcomputational intelligenceneural networkevolutionary algorithms File: Download NIMA_FINAL_DISSERTATION.pdf Committee Members: Shelley Marie Stoffels, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorShelley Marie Stoffels, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMansour Solaimanian, Committee MemberPatrick M Reed, Committee MemberCatherine Mary Harmonosky, Committee Member
2. PROBABILISTIC REAL-TIME DOMAIN AWARENESS LEVERAGING COMPUTER VISION AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Open Access Author: Bolden, Mark Patrick Title: PROBABILISTIC REAL-TIME DOMAIN AWARENESS LEVERAGING COMPUTER VISION AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: domain awarenessspace domainspace debrisreal-timedebris trackingcomputer visioncomputational intelligencetactical object trackingclusteringbreak-up event trackingdebris cloud tracking File: Download MarkBolden_-_Masters_Thesis_20180710.pdf Committee Members: David Spencer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor