1. SOCIAL POLICY, FAMILY STRUCTURE, AND CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Open Access Author: Hampden-Thompson, Gillian M. H. Title: SOCIAL POLICY, FAMILY STRUCTURE, AND CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT: A COMPARATIVE STUDY Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: single-mother familiesliteracycomparativeeducational achievementfamily structuresocial policyfamily policy File: Download Dissertation_revised-july22.pdf Committee Members: Suet Ling Pong, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPaul Richard Amato, Committee MemberDavid P Baker, Committee MemberSean F Reardon, Committee Member
2. Shaping Affluent Societies: Divergent Paths to Mass Consumer Society in West Germany and the United States during the Postwar Boom Era Open Access Author: Logemann, Jan Ludwig Title: Shaping Affluent Societies: Divergent Paths to Mass Consumer Society in West Germany and the United States during the Postwar Boom Era Graduate Program: History Keywords: urban developementconsumer societycomparativepostwarWest GermanyUnited Statesconsumer creditpublic consumtion File: Download Logemann_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Gary Scott Cross, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGreg Eghigian, Committee MemberAdam Rome, Committee MemberJohn Philip Christman, Committee Member