1. CHALLENGES SUPPORTING COGNITIVE ACTIVITIES IN DYNAMIC WORK ENVIRONMENTS: APPLICATION TO POLICING Open Access Author: Glantz, Edward J. Title: CHALLENGES SUPPORTING COGNITIVE ACTIVITIES IN DYNAMIC WORK ENVIRONMENTS: APPLICATION TO POLICING Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: cognitive systems engineeringethnographyknowledge elicitationparticipatory designpolicing File: Download ThesisMaster_24Aug06_.pdf Committee Members: Michael David Mcneese, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid J Hall, Committee MemberIrene Johnston Petrick, Committee MemberLing Rothrock, Committee Member
2. INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Open Access Author: Connors, Erik Shaw Title: INTELLIGENT GROUP INTERFACES: ENVISIONED DESIGNS FOR EXPLORING TEAM COGNITION IN EMERGENCY CRISIS MANAGEMENT Graduate Program: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: intelligent interfacescognitive systems engineeringteam mental modelsteam cognition File: Download Connors_Final_Document.pdf Committee Members: Michael David Mcneese, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid J Hall, Committee MemberGuoray Cai, Committee MemberLing Rothrock, Committee Member
3. UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: A COGNITIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH IN GISCIENCE Open Access Author: Brewer, Isaac Title: UNDERSTANDING WORK WITH GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: A COGNITIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPROACH IN GISCIENCE Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: GISciencecognitive systems engineeringemergency managementhuman computer interactiongeographic information systemsGIShurricanesmultimodal interfacesscenarios File: Download BrewerETD_Submit.pdf Committee Members: Alan Maceachren, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMark Gahegan, Committee MemberMichael David Mcneese, Committee MemberBrenton Yarnal, Committee Member
4. Looking Back to Inform the Future: The Role of Cognition in Forest Disturbance Characterization from Remote Sensing Imagery Open Access Author: Bianchetti, Raechel Anne Title: Looking Back to Inform the Future: The Role of Cognition in Forest Disturbance Characterization from Remote Sensing Imagery Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: remote sensingcognitioncognitive systems engineering File: Download Bianchetti_PhD_Final.pdf Committee Members: Alan Maceachren, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDouglas Miller, Committee MemberAlexander Klippel, Committee MemberBrian A Orland, Committee Member