1. EVALUATING LANGUAGE GROUP DIFFERENCES IN THE SUBSKILLS OF READING USING A COGNITIVE DIAGNOSTIC MODELING AND DIFFERENTIAL SKILL FUNCTIONING APPROACH Open Access Author: Li, Hongli Title: EVALUATING LANGUAGE GROUP DIFFERENCES IN THE SUBSKILLS OF READING USING A COGNITIVE DIAGNOSTIC MODELING AND DIFFERENTIAL SKILL FUNCTIONING APPROACH Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: Fusion modelcognitive diagnostic modelingdifferential skill functioningreading subskillsthe MELAB File: Download Dissertation-Final-0328.pdf Committee Members: Hoi Kin Suen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorHoi Kin Suen, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPui Wa Lei, Committee MemberBonnie J Meyer, Committee MemberAleksandra B Slavkovic, Committee MemberYong Won Lee, Committee Member
2. Evaluating the effect of intelligent tutoring of structure strategy on students' reading ability using a cognitive diagnostic modeling approach Open Access Author: Jiang, Xiaoli Title: Evaluating the effect of intelligent tutoring of structure strategy on students' reading ability using a cognitive diagnostic modeling approach Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: reading comprehensionstructure strategyITSScognitive diagnostic modelingsubskillG-DINA model File: Download Xiaoli_Jiang_Master_Thesis_Final_Version_2017.pdf Committee Members: Pui Wa Lei, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor