1. MEASURING CONFLICT: OPEN CLASSROOM CLIMATE AND FOSTERING CIVIC DEVELOPMENT IN STUDENTS Open Access Author: Zheng, Angel Title: MEASURING CONFLICT: OPEN CLASSROOM CLIMATE AND FOSTERING CIVIC DEVELOPMENT IN STUDENTS Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: open classroomcivic skillsdemocratic educationcivic educationcivil discoursecivic learning File: Download Angel_Zheng_Measuring_Conflict.pdf Committee Members: Dana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Alexander Gamson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Examining youth attitudes toward civic engagement: A study of collaborative social entrepreneurship using a multi-user virtual environment Open Access Author: Huang, Hubert Khan Title: Examining youth attitudes toward civic engagement: A study of collaborative social entrepreneurship using a multi-user virtual environment Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: civic educationcivic engagementeducational technologyissues-centered curriculumdeliberationinterdisciplinary literacy File: Download Huang_Dissertation_Revised_2014.pdf Committee Members: Scott Alan Metzger, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorScott Alan Metzger, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPatrick Willard Shannon, Committee MemberDavid Lynn Passmore, Committee MemberRose Marie Baker, Committee Member
3. Social Movements in E-democracy: Civic Networks in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore Open Access Author: Jang, Chiau-wen Title: Social Movements in E-democracy: Civic Networks in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: social movementsocial network analysiscivic education File: Download Chiau-Wen_Jang_MA_Thesis__Final_revision_07152015.pdf Committee Members: Dana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor