1. Power and Injustice: Exploring the Factors that Limit Women's Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Field, Meredith Title: Power and Injustice: Exploring the Factors that Limit Women's Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Rural Sociology Keywords: healthcareaccessruralchildbirthmaternalwomenpowerGramsciSisterSongFoucaultfeministhealth carehegemony File: Download MField_Dissertation_Draft_Full_Revised_Format.pdf Committee Members: Carolyn Sachs, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarolyn Sachs, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKathryn Brasier, Committee MemberLeland Glenna, Committee MemberJill Wood, Outside MemberErin Heidt-Forsythe, Committee Member
2. Placental Ingenuity: An Examination of Postpartum Placenta Encapsulation Among 21st-Century American Women Open Access Author: Haymond, Raven Victoria Title: Placental Ingenuity: An Examination of Postpartum Placenta Encapsulation Among 21st-Century American Women Graduate Program: American Studies Keywords: placenta consumptionplacentophagypostpartum mood disordergender studiespostpartum careprenatal carecommunities of caredoulachildbirthpostpartumplacental practices File: Download Haymond_Final_Dissertation_Draft_June_2021.pdf Committee Members: Anne Verplanck, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorHolly Angelique, Outside Unit & Field MemberJohn Haddad, Major Field MemberAnne Ayer Verplanck, Program Head/ChairMary Zaborskis, Major Field Member