1. Evaluating Strategies for Reducing Herbicide Use in a No-till Dairy Cropping System Open Access Author: Snyder, Elina Miriam Title: Evaluating Strategies for Reducing Herbicide Use in a No-till Dairy Cropping System Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: no-tillherbicide bandinghigh-residue cultivationcornsoybeancover cropscereal ryered cloverhairy vetchcropping systems File: Download Snyder_MSThesis_Agron_Aug2013.pdf Committee Members: Heather D Karsten, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWilliam Curran, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSjoerd Willem Duiker, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJeffrey Hyde, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Sustainable Intensification and Climate Resilience: Cover Crops, Soil Improvement, and Drought Open Access Author: Hunter, Mitchell Clayton Title: Sustainable Intensification and Climate Resilience: Cover Crops, Soil Improvement, and Drought Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: sustainable intensificationcover cropsdroughtclimate changefood demandsoil healthreduced tillageclimate resiliencecover crop mixturesagricultureagronomygreenhouse gas emissionsMississippi River Phosphorusmaizesoybeanwheatcereal ryered cloverno-tillsoil improvementplant-available waterinfiltration rateavailable water capacity File: Download Hunter_-_Dissertation_-_Final.pdf Committee Members: Dr. David Mortensen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. David Mortensen, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDr. David Eissenstat, Committee MemberDr. Armen Kemanian, Committee MemberDr. Jason Kaye, Outside MemberDr. Meagan Schipanski, Special Member
3. CEREAL RYE AND MANURE MANAGEMENT TO INCREASE NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN PENNSYLVANIA DAIRY FARMS Open Access Author: Binder, Jonathan Michael Title: CEREAL RYE AND MANURE MANAGEMENT TO INCREASE NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN PENNSYLVANIA DAIRY FARMS Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: double cropcereal ryedairymanure injectioncover crop File: Download Binder_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Heather Karsten, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDoug Beegle, Committee MemberCurt Dell, Committee Member