1. Dynamics and Dimensional Similitude of Vehicle Impacts upon Soil-fixed Boulders in Cohesionless Soil Open Access Author: Keske, Mark Palmer Title: Dynamics and Dimensional Similitude of Vehicle Impacts upon Soil-fixed Boulders in Cohesionless Soil Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: laterally loadedsoillow ordervehicle impactbouldersoil-fixedcohesionlesssimilitudescalingsmall scale File: Download 2012_07_26_mpk5146_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sean Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Rock strength and sediment controls on bedrock river incision in the Taiwan Central Range Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Carr, Julia Title: Rock strength and sediment controls on bedrock river incision in the Taiwan Central Range Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: geomorphologyriverchannel widthboulder File: Login to Download Committee Members: Xiaofeng Liu, Outside Unit & Field MemberElizabeth Hajek, Major Field MemberDonald Fisher, Major Field MemberRoman DiBiase, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorMark Patzkowsky, Program Head/Chair