1. Media Representation of Young Women in the Dominican Republic: An Ethnographic Study of Dominican Women's Perceptions of Beauty and Blackness Open Access Author: Brown, India Latina Title: Media Representation of Young Women in the Dominican Republic: An Ethnographic Study of Dominican Women's Perceptions of Beauty and Blackness Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: womendominican republicbeautyenthnographyblacknessmedia representation File: Download IndiaBrown_FinalThesis.pdf Committee Members: Anthony Olorunnisola, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnthony Olorunnisola, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. MAPPING CONTESTED IDENTITIES IN DOMINICAN ART EDUCATION: AN HISTORICAL INQUIRY Open Access Author: Rodriguez, Felix Title: MAPPING CONTESTED IDENTITIES IN DOMINICAN ART EDUCATION: AN HISTORICAL INQUIRY Graduate Program: Art Education Keywords: art educationart education historyDominican StudiesDominican Republicvocational educationglobalizationimperialismhistorycaribbeanfolkloreFreireSandovalidentityblackness File: Download 20190610_Felix_Rodriguez_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Mary Ann Stankiewicz, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorMary Ann Stankiewicz, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGraeme Sullivan, Committee MemberB. Stephen Carpenter, II, Committee MemberJudith Sierra-Rivera, Outside Member