1. Long-term avian community response to hemlock decline Open Access Author: Toenies, Matthew John Title: Long-term avian community response to hemlock decline Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: Tsuga canadensisEmpidonax virescensSetophaga virensbirdscommunityforest die-offAdelges tsugaedeclineoccupancyresponse File: Download thesis_Matt_Toenies_final.pdf Committee Members: David Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMatthew Marshall, Committee MemberMargaret Brittingham, Committee Member
2. The advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivores Open Access Author: Vizzachero, Benjamin Scott Title: The advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivores Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: frugivorydispersalbirdsanti-apostaticdensity-dependencefruit choicediversity maintenancemutualismsmutualisticnegative density-dependenceseed dispersalexperimentartificial fruitfruitabundancefruit colorfruit traitsfield experiment File: Download 07.14_vizzachero_thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Tomas A. Carlo, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid A. W. Miller, Committee MemberMargaret C. Brittingham, Committee Member
3. Using multi-scalar habitat modelling of wood thrush in central Pennsylvania to inform novel forest management Open Access Author: Parkhill, Nathaniel Title: Using multi-scalar habitat modelling of wood thrush in central Pennsylvania to inform novel forest management Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: wildlifeforestryhabitatwood thrushforest managementbirdsoccupancy modellingmulti scalar File: Download Parkhill_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Margaret Brittingham, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Andrew Miller, Committee MemberMargot Wilkinson Kaye, Committee MemberBradley Cardinale, Program Head/Chair