1. Characterization of caffeoyl coenzyme A O-methyltransferase genes in maize AND The role of maysin in maize as a defense response to herbivory Open Access Author: Marchinchin, Joseph Robert Title: Characterization of caffeoyl coenzyme A O-methyltransferase genes in maize AND The role of maysin in maize as a defense response to herbivory Graduate Program: Agronomy Keywords: herbivorymaysinpredicted protein structureallelic differencesS:G ratiolignin modificationCCoAOMTantibiosisbioassayscorn earwormfall armywormmaize File: Download Joseph_R_Marchinchin_-_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dawn S Luthe, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDawn S Luthe, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Hairpin Nucleic Acid Probes for Metal Nanowire-Based Surface Studies and Biosensing. Open Access Author: Cederquist, Kristin Baine Title: Hairpin Nucleic Acid Probes for Metal Nanowire-Based Surface Studies and Biosensing. Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: surface characterizationspectroscopynanotechnologyfluorescencebioconjugate synthesisbiochemical interactionsbioassaysmultiplexed sensing File: Download kbcederquist_dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Christine Dolan Keating, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristine Dolan Keating, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPhilip C. Bevilacqua, Committee MemberThomas E Mallouk, Committee MemberJames Hansell Adair, Committee Member