1. What does the community have to say? The role of expected impacts, affect, political trust, and justice in tourism attitudes and intentions Open Access Author: Yen, I-yin Title: What does the community have to say? The role of expected impacts, affect, political trust, and justice in tourism attitudes and intentions Graduate Program: Leisure Studies Keywords: Tourism attitudetourism impactpolitical trustbehavioral intentioncommunity tourismTaiwan File: Download YENIYin-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Deborah Lee Kerstetter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAnna S Mattila, Committee MemberDuarte B Morais, Committee MemberHarry C Zinn, Committee Member
2. The role of environmental attitude on the relationship between perceived quality, perceived value, and satisfaction on festival visitors' behavioral intention: The case of Boryeong Mud Festival Open Access Author: Choi, Youngjoon Title: The role of environmental attitude on the relationship between perceived quality, perceived value, and satisfaction on festival visitors' behavioral intention: The case of Boryeong Mud Festival Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: satisfactionperceived valuequalityenvironmental attitudenature-based festivalsbehavioral intention File: Download eTD_Youngjoon_Choi.pdf Committee Members: Christine Buzinde, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristine Buzinde, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor