1. The Awe in Awesome: A Multidisciplinary Approach Sheds Light on Education Abroad Open Access Author: Thomas, Kristin L Title: The Awe in Awesome: A Multidisciplinary Approach Sheds Light on Education Abroad Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: Education Abroadmotivationsexpectationsawetouristidentityeducational tourismmeaning makingstudy abroadnoveltyauthenticity File: Download The_Awe_in_Awesome_Multidisciplinary_Study_of_EA.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Deborah Kerstetter, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Deborah Kerstetter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDr. Peter Newman, Committee MemberDr. Derrick Taff, Committee MemberDr. Dorothy Evensen, Outside Member