1. Improving Autonomous Soaring via Energy State Estimation and Extremum Seeking Control Open Access Author: Daugherty, Shawn Christopher Title: Improving Autonomous Soaring via Energy State Estimation and Extremum Seeking Control Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: autonomous soaringuavsb-xcautonomousthermalthermal soaring File: Download Shawn_Daugherty-Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Development and Field Testing of an Autonomous Soaring System Open Access Author: Depenbusch, Nathan Thomas Title: Development and Field Testing of an Autonomous Soaring System Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: autonomous soaringaerial roboticsthermal soaringsoaringunmanned aerial vehicleUAV File: Download Depenbusch-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJacob Willem Langelaan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJoseph Francis Horn, Committee MemberSean N Brennan, Committee MemberConstantino Manuel Lagoa, Outside Member
3. A Method for the Exploitation of Microlift for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Open Access Author: Kimmel, Nathan Title: A Method for the Exploitation of Microlift for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: autonomysoaringmicroliftthermalthermal wallthermal streamthermal strandautonomousuavautonomous soaring File: Download Nathan_Kimmel_A_Method_for_the_Exploitation_of_Microlift_for_Unmanned_Aerial_Vehicles.pdf Committee Members: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAmy Ruth Pritchett, Program Head/ChairMark David Maughmer, Committee Member