1. A comparative study of the U.S. and Korean film industries: history, structure, and finance Open Access Author: Baxter, Patrick David Title: A comparative study of the U.S. and Korean film industries: history, structure, and finance Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: historyfilm historyeconomicsfinancestructureartsculturepolitical economyindustrial organizationSouth KoreaKorean film industryKoreaHollywoodmoviesmoviefilmsfilm indutrystudiostudiosdistributionfundingindependent filmindependentfilm companydigitalmulti mediamedialong tail File: Download PBaxter_Thesis_Final110308.pdf Committee Members: Krishna Prasad Jayakar, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. "Shifts in Thinking" in Arts Teachers' Narratives: Documentation as Inquiry and Artifact Open Access Author: Meier, Mary Elizabeth Title: "Shifts in Thinking" in Arts Teachers' Narratives: Documentation as Inquiry and Artifact Graduate Program: Art Education Keywords: narrative inquiryart educationprofessional learningteacherscollaborative inquiry groupartsdigital technology File: Download Meier_2012_Narrative_Inquiry_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Karen Treat Keifer Boyd, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaren Treat Keifer Boyd, Committee Chair/Co-ChairWanda B Knight, Committee MemberKimberly Anne Powell, Committee MemberStephanie Cayot Serriere, Committee Member