1. A FUNDAMENTAL STUDY OF THE ANATOMY, AERODYNAMICS, AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA OF CANINE OLFACTION Open Access Author: Craven, Brent Alan Title: A FUNDAMENTAL STUDY OF THE ANATOMY, AERODYNAMICS, AND TRANSPORT PHENOMENA OF CANINE OLFACTION Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: olfactioncaninenasal airwaybiofluidsbiomimcryartificial nose File: Download Craven_PhDDissertation_2008.pdf Committee Members: Gary Stuart Settles, Committee Chair/Co-ChairEric G Paterson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairThomas Charles Baker, Committee MemberKendra V Sharp, Committee MemberSavash Yavuzkurt, Committee Member
2. SENSOR FUSION MODELS TO INTEGRATE ELECTRONIC NOSE AND SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE SENSOR FOR APPLE QUALITY EVALUATION Open Access Author: Li, Changying Title: SENSOR FUSION MODELS TO INTEGRATE ELECTRONIC NOSE AND SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE SENSOR FOR APPLE QUALITY EVALUATION Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: probabilistic neural networksdifferential evolutioncovariance matrix adaptation evolutionary algorithgenetic algorithmsmultisensor data fusionevolutionary algorithmsodorartificial neural networksolfactiongas sensorsartificial nosezNoseTMsurface acoustic wave sensorelectronic noseback-propagation neural networkslearning vector quantification networksprincipal component analysispartial least squarediscriminant analysis File: Download CLIthesis102.pdf Committee Members: Paul Heinz Heinemann, Committee Chair/Co-ChairVirendra Puri, Committee MemberPaul Walker, Committee MemberDevin G Peterson, Committee Member