1. ROOT ANATOMICAL MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN HOST PLANT CONTROL OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION Open Access Author: Sharda, Jori Nerissa Title: ROOT ANATOMICAL MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN HOST PLANT CONTROL OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION Graduate Program: Plant Biology Keywords: hypodermal passage cellsarbuscular mycorrhizal colonizationroot anatomyhypodermal suberizationphosphorusintercellular air space File: Download Jori_Sharda_Doctoral_Dissertation4.pdf Committee Members: David M Sylvia, Committee MemberJonathan Paul Lynch, Committee MemberDavid Eissenstat, Committee MemberRoger Tai Koide, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
2. Generation of Genetic Material to Evaluate Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Maize Open Access Author: Nguyen, Liza Title: Generation of Genetic Material to Evaluate Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Maize Graduate Program: Horticulture Keywords: mapping populationD14D14Llandracemycorrhizaearbuscular mycorrhizal colonizationrootscastorpollux File: Download Liza_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Ruairidh James Hay Sawers, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorLiana T Burghardt, Committee MemberJesse R Lasky, Committee MemberErin L Connolly, Program Head/Chair