1. The Role of Arachidonic Acid - Cyclooxygenase Pathway in the Anti-leukemic Properties of Selenium Open Access Author: Gandhi, Ujjawal Hitendra Title: The Role of Arachidonic Acid - Cyclooxygenase Pathway in the Anti-leukemic Properties of Selenium Graduate Program: Molecular Toxicology Keywords: Seleniumleukemia15d-prostaglandin J2gambogic acidarachidonic acidinflammationleukemia stem cellBCR-ABLH-PGDS File: Download UHG_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Kumble Sandeep Prabhu, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert Paulson, Committee MemberDr Jack Vanden Heuvel, Committee MemberShantu G Amin, Committee MemberDr Ramesh Ramachandran, Committee Member
2. MACROPHAGE POLARIZATION: A DUAL ROLE BETWEEN INTERLEUKIN-4 SIGNALING AND SELENOPROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS Open Access Author: Shay, Ashley E Title: MACROPHAGE POLARIZATION: A DUAL ROLE BETWEEN INTERLEUKIN-4 SIGNALING AND SELENOPROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS Graduate Program: Molecular Medicine Keywords: macrophagepolarizationseleniumselenoproteinhelminthinflammationprostaglandinresolutioncyclooxygenasearachidonic acidNippostrongylus brasiliensisinterleukin-4M2 macrophagePeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma File: Download Shay_AE__2017_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Kumble Sandeep Prabhu, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorKumble Sandeep Prabhu, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMargherita Teresa-Anna Cantorna, Committee MemberPamela Hankey Giblin, Committee MemberConnie Jo Rogers, Outside MemberGirish Soorappa Kirimanjeswara, Committee Member