1. The Application of Combined Heat and Power Systems at U.S. Air Force Installations Open Access Author: Wyatt, Lawrence James Title: The Application of Combined Heat and Power Systems at U.S. Air Force Installations Graduate Program: Architectural Engineering Keywords: cogenerationcombined heat and powerapplication File: Download Final_Thesis_12.02.11.pdf Committee Members: James Freihaut, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames Freihaut, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Modeling and Leveraging Emerging Non-Volatile Memories for Future Computer Designs Open Access Author: Dong, Xiangyu Title: Modeling and Leveraging Emerging Non-Volatile Memories for Future Computer Designs Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: applicationarchitecturecircuitnon-volatile memorySTTRAMPCRAMReRAM File: Download main.pdf Committee Members: Yuan Xie, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorYuan Xie, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Jane Irwin, Committee MemberVijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee MemberSuman Datta, Committee MemberNorman P Jouppi, Committee Member
3. Assessment of the Beneficial Use of Waste Concrete in Acidic Drainage Remediation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Fenske, Allison Title: Assessment of the Beneficial Use of Waste Concrete in Acidic Drainage Remediation Graduate Program: Environmental Engineering Keywords: acid mine drainagerecycled concreteremediationenvironmental impactseconomic impactsapplication File: Login to Download Committee Members: Nathaniel Richard Warner, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristopher A Gorski, Committee MemberFarshad Rajabipour, Program Head/Chair
4. Context-N-Grab: Sentence Based Fine-Grained Affordance Grounding Open Access Author: Tehri, Samarth Title: Context-N-Grab: Sentence Based Fine-Grained Affordance Grounding Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: computer visionaffordance groundinglarge language modelcvllmvisual impairmentroboticscomputer science engineeringcomputer sciencecomputer engineeringapplicationsystemcontextContext-N-Grab File: Download Samarth_MS_THESIS.pdf Committee Members: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Morgan Sampson, Committee MemberChitaranjan Das, Program Head/Chair