1. SCALY FABRICS AND VEINS OF THE SHIMANTO BELT: A RECORD OF SILICA REDISTRIBUTION IN SUBDUCTION FAULT ZONES Open Access Author: Ramirez, Gabrielle Elizabeth Title: SCALY FABRICS AND VEINS OF THE SHIMANTO BELT: A RECORD OF SILICA REDISTRIBUTION IN SUBDUCTION FAULT ZONES Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: Shimanto Beltstructural geologymelangeancient accretionary complexearthquakesmineral redistribution File: Download MastersThesis_G_Ramirez_Fall2018.pdf Committee Members: Donald Myron Fisher, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChris J Marone, Committee MemberAndrew James Smye, Committee Member
2. The Record of Mass Transfer in Ancient Accretionary Prisms and Its Role in Fault Behavior Open Access Author: Chen, Tsai Wei Title: The Record of Mass Transfer in Ancient Accretionary Prisms and Its Role in Fault Behavior Graduate Program: Geosciences Keywords: mélangeseismogenic zonescaly fabricmass transferancient accretionary complex File: Download TChen_dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Donald Fisher, Program Head/ChairChris Marone, Major Field MemberAndrew Smye, Major Field MemberDerek Elsworth, Outside Unit & Field MemberDonald Fisher, Chair & Dissertation Advisor