1. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Orendovici, Razvan Title: SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVERSARIAL NETWORKS Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: adversarial networksterroristadversarialgraph theorynetwork theorysocial network analysissimulationsanalysisdevelopment of networks File: Download Razvan_Orendovici_Thesis_GRC.pdf Committee Members: Frank Edward Ritter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFrank Edward Ritter, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. SOFT ERRORS IN LOGIC CIRCUITS: ANALYSIS AND MODELING Open Access Author: Ramanarayanan, Rajaraman Title: SOFT ERRORS IN LOGIC CIRCUITS: ANALYSIS AND MODELING Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: modelingreliabilitylogic circuitssoft errorsanalysis File: Download Thesis_RRSE.pdf Committee Members: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairWilliam Kenneth Jenkins, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMary Jane Irwin, Committee MemberCharles Lee Croskey, Committee MemberYuan X Ie, Committee MemberKenan Unlu, Committee Member
3. A Robust Linear-pressure Analog for the Analysis of Natural Gas Transportation Networks Open Access Author: Leong, Chew Yeong Title: A Robust Linear-pressure Analog for the Analysis of Natural Gas Transportation Networks Graduate Program: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: pipelinenetworklinear pressurelinear analognatural gas transportation networkscompressorwellheadanalysis File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Luis F Ayala H, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMichael Adebola Adewumi, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr Larry Grayson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Acoustic Analysis of Compound Helicopters with Trim Variations Open Access Author: Barron, Heather Marie Title: Acoustic Analysis of Compound Helicopters with Trim Variations Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: HelicopterrotorcraftrotorcraftacousticWOPWOPPSU-WOPWOPaerospacecompoundanalysis File: Download Barron_Thesis_v10.pdf Committee Members: Kenneth Steven Brentner, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
5. State Space Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Switched RLCM Networks Open Access Author: Albeaik, Saleh Title: State Space Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Switched RLCM Networks Graduate Program: Electrical Engineering Keywords: state spacemodelinganalysissimulationswitched RLCMideal switchessoftware design File: Download Albeaik_Thesis_GRD_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Jeffrey Scott Mayer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
6. Physics-Infused Reduced-Order Modeling of Aerothermal Loads for Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions Open Access Author: Vargas Venegas, Carlos Title: Physics-Infused Reduced-Order Modeling of Aerothermal Loads for Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: hypersonicfluid-thermal-structuralaerothermoelasticitydata-drivenphysics-drivenphysics-basedreduced-order modelingmachine learningfield inversionaerothermalturbulent viscous-inviscid interactionsneural ordinary differential equationsdirect collocationoptimizationkrigingproper-orthogonal decompositionlatin hypercube samplingthermoelastichypersonic vehicleRANSskin-paneltwo-dimensionalgaussian process regressioncomputational fluid dynamicssupported panelaugmentationaugmentedmodel augmentationsurrogatePOD-krigingPODalgebraicdifferentialalgebraic augmentationdifferential augmentationNODEPIROManalysis File: Download ms-thesis-corrected.pdf Committee Members: Daning Huang, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorPuneet Singla, Committee MemberAmy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairSven Schmitz, Committee Member