1. Deposition, Characterization, and Thermomechanical Fatigue of Nickel Aluminide and Ruthenium Aluminide Thin Films Open Access Author: Howell, Jane Title: Deposition, Characterization, and Thermomechanical Fatigue of Nickel Aluminide and Ruthenium Aluminide Thin Films Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: Intermetallicaluminidethin filmthermomechanical fatigueNiAlRuAl File: Download PhD_Thesis_-_final_draft.pdf Committee Members: Suzanne E Mohney, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSuzanne E Mohney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairChristopher Muhlstein, Committee Chair/Co-ChairClifford Jesse Lissenden Iii, Committee MemberJoseph Flemish, Committee Member
2. A study of contacts to p- and n-type silicon nanowires synthesized via vapor-liquid-solid growth process Open Access Author: Dey, Soham Title: A study of contacts to p- and n-type silicon nanowires synthesized via vapor-liquid-solid growth process Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: aluminidesilicidenanowiresiliconohmiccontactvapor-liquid-solid growth File: Download PhDThesis-SohamDey.pdf Committee Members: Suzanne E Mohney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJoan Marie Redwing, Committee MemberTheresa Stellwag Mayer, Committee MemberS Ashok, Committee Member