1. GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF POROSITY AND MICROSTRUCTURE IN NANOPOROUS CARBON DERIVED FROM POLYFURFURYL ALCOHOL Open Access Author: Burket, Christopher L Title: GENESIS AND EVOLUTION OF POROSITY AND MICROSTRUCTURE IN NANOPOROUS CARBON DERIVED FROM POLYFURFURYL ALCOHOL Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: molecular sievesgraphitizationnanoporous carbonactivated carbonnon-graphitizing carboncarbonpolymerizationpyrolysisactivationcapacitors File: Download Burket_ThesisMaster.pdf Committee Members: Henry C Foley, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJanna Kay Maranas, Committee MemberAndrew Zydney, Committee MemberAngela Lueking, Committee Member
2. Applicability of standard kinetic parameters for describing a photothermally driven reaction Open Access Author: Widstrom, Andrea Lyn Title: Applicability of standard kinetic parameters for describing a photothermally driven reaction Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: Diels-Alderphotothermalgold nanoparticlesolventkineticviscosityretro Diels-AlderdipoleactivationthermodynamicArrhenius File: Download Widstrom_Andrea_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Benjamin James Lear, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBenjamin James Lear, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRaymond Edward Schaak, Committee MemberJohn B Asbury, Committee MemberWilliam D Burgos, Outside MemberPhilip C Bevilacqua, Program Head/Chair