1. Nonlinear acoustic streaming in straight and tapered tubes Open Access Author: Tuttle, Brian Craig Title: Nonlinear acoustic streaming in straight and tapered tubes Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: nonlinear acousticsacoustic streamingthermoacousticscomputational fluid dynamics File: Download BCT_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Victor Ward Sparrow, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnthony A Atchley, Committee MemberRobert Mitchel Keolian, Committee MemberPhilip John Morris, Committee Member
2. Rayleigh Streaming Simulation Using The Vorticity Transport Equation Open Access Author: Sastrapradja, Debbie Title: Rayleigh Streaming Simulation Using The Vorticity Transport Equation Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: Rayleigh streamingacoustic streamingnonlinear acousticsvorticity transport equationstream function File: Download Debbie-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Victor Ward Sparrow, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAnthony A Atchley, Committee MemberPhilip John Morris, Committee MemberCengiz Camci, Committee Member