1. From Iq to the Sat and its Impact on African Americans: Promise for the Sat-optional movement Open Access Author: Blackman, Horatio Walton Title: From Iq to the Sat and its Impact on African Americans: Promise for the Sat-optional movement Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: IQSATraceAfrican-Americanhigher educationaccessoptional File: Download Masters_Thesis-HB.pdf Committee Members: Mindy L Kornhaber, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaterina Bodovski, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Barriers and bridges to adaptive capacity: A case study on water governance in the middle hills of south central Nepal Open Access Author: Sinclair, Kendra Heather Title: Barriers and bridges to adaptive capacity: A case study on water governance in the middle hills of south central Nepal Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: climate changeadaptive capacityenvironmental governancescalar mismatchembodimentaccesswaterNepal File: Download thesis.draft.v06.pdf Committee Members: Petra Tschakert, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. FACTORS THAT INFLUECE UNDERREPRESENTED RACIAL & ETHNIC MINORITY STUDENTS’ SUCCESS IN GRADUATE STEM PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES & ENGLAND Open Access Author: Simeon, Eric Jason Title: FACTORS THAT INFLUECE UNDERREPRESENTED RACIAL & ETHNIC MINORITY STUDENTS’ SUCCESS IN GRADUATE STEM PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES & ENGLAND Graduate Program: Higher Education Keywords: African American studentsHispanic/Latino Studentsgraduate studentsSTEMscience disciplinesBlack and Minority Ethnic studentsDiversityIncludionaccesssuccessminority successglobal educationinternational educationHEIsgraduate STEM File: Download FINAL-_E._Simeon_Dissertation-__June30-_FINAL_VERSION_.pdf Committee Members: Roger Lewis Geiger, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRoger Lewis Geiger, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLadislaus M Semali, Committee MemberLiliana M Garces, Committee MemberDennis Coleman Jett, Outside Member
4. Flipping the Page: Analyzing Student Preferences Toward Differing Reading Modalities Open Access Author: Cascioli, Diane M Title: Flipping the Page: Analyzing Student Preferences Toward Differing Reading Modalities Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: audiobooke-bookpaperreadingengagementwillingnessaccesscomprehensionstudentpreferenceinterestonlinebookread File: Download Diane_Cascioli_Final_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Jamie Myers, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnne Whitney, Committee Member
5. Power and Injustice: Exploring the Factors that Limit Women's Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Field, Meredith Title: Power and Injustice: Exploring the Factors that Limit Women's Access to Maternal Health Care in Rural Pennsylvania Graduate Program: Rural Sociology Keywords: healthcareaccessruralchildbirthmaternalwomenpowerGramsciSisterSongFoucaultfeministhealth carehegemony File: Download MField_Dissertation_Draft_Full_Revised_Format.pdf Committee Members: Carolyn Sachs, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarolyn Sachs, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKathryn Brasier, Committee MemberLeland Glenna, Committee MemberJill Wood, Outside MemberErin Heidt-Forsythe, Committee Member