1. Sexual Activity and Academic Attainment: The Sexual Double Standard and Its Implications for Sexually Active Adolescents Open Access Author: Torchiana, Devon Schalcher Title: Sexual Activity and Academic Attainment: The Sexual Double Standard and Its Implications for Sexually Active Adolescents Graduate Program: Crime, Law and Justice Keywords: sexual behavioracademic attainmentsexual double standard File: Download Thesis_Crime_Law_and_Justice.pdf Committee Members: Derek Allen Kreager, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJeremy Staff, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. A Person-Centered Approach to Understand Black Students’ Racial-Academic Identities: An Examination of Predictors and Outcomes Open Access Author: Boggs, Saskia Title: A Person-Centered Approach to Understand Black Students’ Racial-Academic Identities: An Examination of Predictors and Outcomes Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: african-americansidentity developmentpositive black psychologyracial identityacademic identityadolescenceschool transitionsschool racial climateschool academic climatemiddle schoolhigh schoolacademic outcomesacademic attainmentpsychosocial wellbeingself-esteemoptimismblack youthyouth of colorstudents of colorsocioeconomic diversity File: Download Boggs_Dissertation_Joint_Racial-Academic_Identity_FINAL_FORMAT_cv-1.pdf Committee Members: Dawn P. Witherspoon, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDawn P. Witherspoon, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohnathan E. Cook, Committee MemberK. Suzy Scherf, Committee MemberMayra Y. Bámaca-Colbert, Outside Member