1. METHODS OF ESTIMATING WHITE-TAILED DEER ABUNDANCE AT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK: TESTING ASSUMPTIONS OF DISTANCE SAMPLING Open Access Author: Stainbrook, David Philip Title: METHODS OF ESTIMATING WHITE-TAILED DEER ABUNDANCE AT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK: TESTING ASSUMPTIONS OF DISTANCE SAMPLING Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: Global Positioning System (GPS)Lincoln-Petersenmark-resightBowdenabundancedensitybiasnon-uniform transectsroadsdistance samplingOdocoileus virginianuswhite-tailed deerresource selectionhabitat useGettysburgPennsylvania File: Download Thesis_DPS_final_2011_high_res.pdf Committee Members: Duane R Diefenbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDuane R Diefenbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Songbird Abundance in the Allegheny National Forest Open Access Author: Thomas, Emily Hope Title: Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Songbird Abundance in the Allegheny National Forest Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: fragmentationwellsabundancesongbirdsPennsylvania File: Download ANF_OGM.pdf Committee Members: Margaret Brittingham And Walter Tzilkowski, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMargaret Brittingham, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWalter Matthew Tzilkowski, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Stability of Multi-finger Action in Different State Spaces Open Access Author: Reschechtko, Sasha Title: Stability of Multi-finger Action in Different State Spaces Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: redundancyabundancesynergyreferent configurationuncontrolled manifold hypothesisequifinalityenslaving File: Download Sasha_Reschechtko_MS_Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Mark Latash, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. OPTIMALITY AND STABILITY OF INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL ACTIONS DURING MULTI-FINGER FORCE-MOMENT PRODUCTION Open Access Author: parsa, Behnoosh Title: OPTIMALITY AND STABILITY OF INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL ACTIONS DURING MULTI-FINGER FORCE-MOMENT PRODUCTION Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: redundancyabundancesynergyreferent configurationuncontrolled manifold hypothesisvisual feedbackfingerunintentional movementoptimizationcost function File: Download Master_Thesis-_Behnoosh_Parsa_final.pdf Committee Members: Mark L. Latash, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert L. Sainburg, Committee MemberStephen J. Piazza, Committee Member
5. The advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivores Open Access Author: Vizzachero, Benjamin Scott Title: The advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivores Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: frugivorydispersalbirdsanti-apostaticdensity-dependencefruit choicediversity maintenancemutualismsmutualisticnegative density-dependenceseed dispersalexperimentartificial fruitfruitabundancefruit colorfruit traitsfield experiment File: Download 07.14_vizzachero_thesis_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Tomas A. Carlo, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid A. W. Miller, Committee MemberMargaret C. Brittingham, Committee Member