1. FERROELECTRICITY IN MAGNESIUM SUBSTITUTED ZINC OXIDE THIN FILMS Open Access Author: Ferri, Kevin Title: FERROELECTRICITY IN MAGNESIUM SUBSTITUTED ZINC OXIDE THIN FILMS Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: ZnOFerroelectriccsMgOZnMgOwakeuproom temperaturesputtering File: Download KevinFerriDissertation.pdfDownload UMI_Agreement_Signed.pdfDownload CertificateOfCompletion.pdf Committee Members: Jon-Paul Maria, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJon-Paul Maria, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSusan E Trolier-Mckinstry, Committee MemberClive A Randall, Committee MemberBrian Foley, Outside MemberJohn C Mauro, Program Head/Chair
2. Compositional Dependence of Ferroelectric Properties in Thin Film Zn1-xMgxO Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Goodling, Devin Title: Compositional Dependence of Ferroelectric Properties in Thin Film Zn1-xMgxO Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: ZnOferroelectricZnMgORF sputtering File: Login to Download Committee Members: Jon-Paul Maria, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorIsmaila Dabo, Committee MemberJohn Mauro, Program Head/ChairVenkatraman Gopalan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor