1. MUTUAL NONLINEAR INTERACTION OF ULTRASONIC GUIDED WAVES IN PLATE, APPLICATIONS FOR NDE Open Access Author: Hasanian, Mostafa Title: MUTUAL NONLINEAR INTERACTION OF ULTRASONIC GUIDED WAVES IN PLATE, APPLICATIONS FOR NDE Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: Ultrasonic Guided WavesNonlinear UltrasonicsWave MixingNondestructive EvaluationMutual Interactions File: Download Hasanian-_PhD_Dissertation-_Final.pdf Committee Members: Clifford Jesse Lissenden III, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorClifford Jesse Lissenden III, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJoseph Lawrence Rose, Committee MemberBernhard Tittmann, Committee MemberParisa Shokouhi, Outside Member