1. Learning and Constructing Meaning: Adults Volunteering in the Boy Scouts Open Access Author: Pearlman, David P Title: Learning and Constructing Meaning: Adults Volunteering in the Boy Scouts Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: LearningVolunteeringBoy Scouts File: Download David_Pearlman.pdf Committee Members: Fred Michael Schied, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGary Kuhne, Committee MemberMelody M Thompson, Committee MemberRobert Lewis, Committee Member
2. Exploring Social Capital and Volunteering Across Contexts Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Nassif, Majda Title: Exploring Social Capital and Volunteering Across Contexts Graduate Program: Public Administration Keywords: Social CapitalVolunteeringScoping reviewCollege VolunteeringCOVID-19 Pandemic File: Login to Download Committee Members: Glenn McGuigan, Outside Unit & Field MemberGoktug Morcol, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesBing Ran, Major Field MemberMichele Tantardini, Major Field MemberDan Mallinson, Chair & Dissertation Advisor