1. Predictors of Working Alliance Efficacy Among State VR Counselors as a Function of Ex-offender Status Open Access Author: Bates, Julie Kristi Title: Predictors of Working Alliance Efficacy Among State VR Counselors as a Function of Ex-offender Status Graduate Program: Counselor Education Keywords: StigmaOffendersFlourishingWorking AllianceCounselorsCounselingVocational Rehabilitation CounselorsBurnoutEfficacySelf-estimatesDouble Stigma File: Download FINAL_VERSION_post-format_and_defense_review_7.27.12.pdf Committee Members: Deirdre Elizabeth Mary O'sullivan, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDeirdre Elizabeth Mary O'sullivan, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Taylor Herbert, Committee MemberMargaret Ann Lorah, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member