1. INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF USERS ON INTERFACE DESIGN AND USABILITY Open Access Author: Dhillon, Beant Kaur Title: INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF CULTURAL BACKGROUND OF USERS ON INTERFACE DESIGN AND USABILITY Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: UsabilityHofstedeInterface DesignCulture File: Download Beant_Dhillon-_MS_Final_Thesis-2009.pdf Committee Members: Richard Donovan Koubek, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorM Jeya Chandra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The role of usability, aesthetics, and cognitive style on user preference for interactive applications Open Access Author: Lee, Sangwon Title: The role of usability, aesthetics, and cognitive style on user preference for interactive applications Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: User preferenceUsabilityAestheticsCognitive styleUser performanceInteractive applications File: Download Dissertation_SangwonLee.pdf Committee Members: Richard J Koubek; Andris Freivalds, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRichard Donovan Koubek, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAndris Freivalds, Committee Chair/Co-ChairM Jeya Chandra, Committee MemberMichael Mc Neese, Committee Member
3. Assessing the Online Content on AgrAbility Project Websites Open Access Author: Pease, Colleen Florence Title: Assessing the Online Content on AgrAbility Project Websites Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: AgrAbilityContent AnalysisUsabilityFrames and Messaging Appeals File: Download Colleen_F_Pease_Final_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Connie Devine Baggett, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDenise Sevick Bortree, Committee MemberJohn Ewing, Committee Member