1. Organizational Culture and Professionalism: An Assessment of the Professional Culture of the U. S. Army Senior Level Officer Corps Open Access Author: Pierce, James Gerard Title: Organizational Culture and Professionalism: An Assessment of the Professional Culture of the U. S. Army Senior Level Officer Corps Graduate Program: Public Administration Keywords: organizational cultureprofessionalismU.S. ArmyOfficer Corps File: Download Dissertation_Final_Version_-_James_Pierce.pdf Committee Members: Jeremy Plant, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSteven Ames Peterson, Committee MemberFrances T. Munzenrider, Committee MemberMelvin Blumberg, Committee Member
2. Insights on the use of Machine Learning to Predict Retention of Career Soldiers in the United States Army Open Access Author: Garcia, Miguel Title: Insights on the use of Machine Learning to Predict Retention of Career Soldiers in the United States Army Graduate Program: Data Analytics Keywords: Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningAIDeep LearningDecision TreeLogistic RegressionRandom ForestXGBoostArtificial Neural NetworkDeep Neural NetworkU.S. ArmyMilitaryAttritionRetentionPerson-Event Data EnvironmentPDEDepartment of DefenseDoDArmy Analytics GroupAAGNaive BayesActive DutyEnlistmentCommissioned OfficersSoldiersArea Under the CurveAUCData AnalyticsRetirementMEDPROSPHAMEPCOMDTMSATMSROC CurveVariable ImportancePreprocessingData Quality File: Download Insights_on_the_use_of_AI_to_Predict_Retention_of_Career_Soldiers_in_the_US_Army.pdf Committee Members: Colin Neill, Program Head/ChairPartha Mukherjee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGuanghua Qiu, Committee MemberYouakim Badr, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor