1. OZONESONDE CLIMATOLOGY AND SATELLITE PRODUCT EVALUATION: TROPOSPHERIC OZONE IN THE MID-ATLANTIC FROM 2005-2010 Open Access Author: Normile, Caroline Palmer Title: OZONESONDE CLIMATOLOGY AND SATELLITE PRODUCT EVALUATION: TROPOSPHERIC OZONE IN THE MID-ATLANTIC FROM 2005-2010 Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: Boundary LayerAtmospheric ChemistryTroposphereOzoneSatellite RetrievalAir Quality File: Download Normile_MSThesis_2011.pdf Committee Members: Anne Mee Thompson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAnne Mee Thompson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Behavior of Volatile Organic Compounds Sampled in the Baltimore/dc Region During July 2011 Open Access Author: Halliday, Hannah Selene Title: Behavior of Volatile Organic Compounds Sampled in the Baltimore/dc Region During July 2011 Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: OzoneTroposphereBiogenicAnthropogenicVolatile Organic CompoundsVOCsBaltimoreWashington DCDISCOVER-AQ File: Download Halliday_PSU_Masters_Thesis_Fall_2012_edits_from_Grad_School.pdf Committee Members: Anne Mee Thompson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor